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reallayman01 → Unbound68
Is Jesus coming a 3rd time? Whatever happens or doesn’t: do NOT deny the Lord or take a “mark” (nor pull a 2Peter3:4 due to a Prov18:13 mind set). Don’t preach the rapture - preach Christ [Ex20:3]
Nov 20 2013 11:38 AM
reallayman01 → Evangelion
Is Jesus coming a 3rd time? Whatever happens or doesn’t: do NOT deny the Lord or take a “mark” (nor pull a 2Peter3:4 due to a Prov18:13 mind set). Don’t preach the rapture - preach Christ [Ex20:3]
Nov 20 2013 11:37 AM
reallayman01 → Ken Gilmore
Is Jesus coming a 3rd time? Whatever happens or doesn’t: do NOT deny the Lord or take a “mark” (nor pull a 2Peter3:4 due to a Prov18:13 mind set). Don’t preach the rapture - preach Christ [Ex20:3]
Nov 20 2013 11:36 AM
If Christi is core, it’s cool, despite denominational differences.
Nov 13 2013 01:44 AM
Whatever happens – or not - do NOT deny the Lord!
Stick with the THOUGHT of what God says w/o adding to &/or taking away [Rv22:18-19]. Keep biblical interpretation simple & literary, as Jesus did; we serve FatherJesusGod, not denominational thought [Ex 20:3]
Sep 19 2013 09:10 AM
Stick with the THOUGHT of what God says w/o adding to &/or taking away [Rv22:18-19]. Keep biblical interpretation simple & literary, as Jesus did; we serve FatherJesusGod, not denominational thought [Ex 20:3]
The breath of life in man is different from the breath of life in the nostrils of animals.
May 30 2013 06:01 AM
"That 'breath of life' is exactly the same
'breath of life' which we find in the
nostrils of the animals:" This is not
biblical: because the source of the breath
of life in man is different from that of the
animals. The source of breath of life in
man is from God; Genesis 2:7 And the
Lord God formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became a living
soul. The breath...
May 30 2013 06:02 AM
The breath of life in man is different from the breath of life in the nostrils of animals.
May 30 2013 05:58 AM
The breath of life in man is different from the breath of life in the nostrils of animals.
May 30 2013 05:55 AM
"That 'breath of life' is exactly the same 'breath of life' which we find in the nostrils of the animals:" This is not biblical: because the source of the breath of life in man is different from that of the animals. The source of breath of life in man is from God; Genesis 2:7And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath ...
May 30 2013 05:52 AM