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There have been 2 items by Sakura ShinRa (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#442423 A slightly strange question

Posted by Sakura ShinRa on 16 August 2012 - 02:58 AM in Theology

Hello everyone,

I'm new here, and although I'm an athiest personally, I have a great respect for the beliefs of others and have no interest in trying to disprove or debunk anyone's faith. I'm also an anthropologist, and very interested in theology, religious history, and symbolism. Recently, I was watching repeats of the sci fi show X-files and mention was made of the devil having disciples of his own just as Jesus had disciples. It was a passing remark and not much information was given.
Now I've read the bible myself, albeit some time ago, and recall no mention of satan having any disciples.
Can anyone clarify this issue for me because it's really bugging me now. I tried googling and found nothing but films and motorcycle gangs, and I can't look up my own bible as it was one of the many things I lost in the Christchurch earthquake. (For those who don't know, in February 2011 there was a large earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand which decimated the city and killed over 100 people). I have subsequently left the city and am slowly rebuilding my life but I have not gotten around to purchasing another bible yet as there are other items that simply have to take precedence, and my budget is tight.

So if anyone can tell me whether or not the devil had disciples, and if so, what their names were, I would be very grateful.

Thank you very much


#442425 A slightly strange question

Posted by Sakura ShinRa on 16 August 2012 - 03:14 AM in Theology

Welcome. :)

Now I've read the bible myself, albeit some time ago, and recall no mention of satan having any disciples.

Correct. That's found nowhere in the Bible. The Biblical description of the devil is in fact significantly different to the views adopted by later Christianity.

An interesting and still useful read on the development of diabolism within the Christian tradition (as well as the distinctive Jewish and Christian minority tradition denying the existence of such a supernatural being), is 'History of the Devil, by Paul Carus. Very readable, and generally reliably accurate (I added a qualification because his lexicography and some finer historical details should be checked with a modern scholarly source).

Thank you so much for that information. I was sure there was nothing about the devil having disciples in the bible but it's always good to have outside confirmation. I will try to get a hold of the book you mentioned.