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There have been 80 items by Richard (Search limited from 01-July 23)

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#441548 Christianized mistranslation of the Hebrew Scriptures

Posted by Richard on 18 July 2012 - 07:41 AM in Theology

Thanks :)

#441526 Christianized mistranslation of the Hebrew Scriptures

Posted by Richard on 17 July 2012 - 02:01 PM in Theology

I am currently in discussions with an Orthodox Jew who keeps on complaining that modern English translations of the Hebrew Bible are Christianized, biased and just plain wrong. I don't know much about this subject so have simply stated that I trust in the scholars to have done their work using sound translation techniques but he has scoffed at this, using the argument that they are biased Christians, and insisted on his own Jewish translations.

I have no idea how to respond.

#444303 Commentaries on Thessalonians

Posted by Richard on 12 December 2012 - 09:08 PM in Theology

I've only ever come across one - the one by George Booker. It's OK.

#440240 Dan Wallace interview on NT manuscript discoveries

Posted by Richard on 24 May 2012 - 01:03 PM in Archaeology, Biblical History & Textual Criticism

Yes it would!

#438180 Does anyone own a NET Bible?

Posted by Richard on 13 March 2012 - 09:54 AM in Theology

Can hardly stand the translation myself but the notes are fantastic.

What don't you like about it and what version do you have?

I just don't like the way it reads and I have found more clunkers than I have had hot dinners.

I use it, the NASB, ESV, KJV among several others.

#438168 Does anyone own a NET Bible?

Posted by Richard on 12 March 2012 - 08:24 PM in Theology

Can hardly stand the translation myself but the notes are fantastic.

#438325 Elisha and the Axe Head

Posted by Richard on 15 March 2012 - 08:44 AM in Theology

I can't be bothered. Every time I come here I feel unwelcome in any case so I think I will just get on with other stuff. Thanks anyway :).

#438319 Elisha and the Axe Head

Posted by Richard on 15 March 2012 - 07:34 AM in Theology

I believe the axe is just an axe, and the axe head is just an axe head. There's no symbolism here.

You don't believe there are parables taught in the miracles of Scripture? You also don't believe the bread and wine are seen in the dreams of the butler and baker. I don't know why. Scripture is full of this wonderful symbolism.

#438329 Elisha and the Axe Head

Posted by Richard on 15 March 2012 - 09:37 AM in Theology

Sorry, I thought you were just being pompous. My apologies.

The method I used is to confirm connection when there are at least two or three links between different passages of Scripture, not just "this is what I think this means".

#438323 Elisha and the Axe Head

Posted by Richard on 15 March 2012 - 07:52 AM in Theology

I agree that logic is a determining factor in Bible study. That's why I said the conclusions made in the examples given are from Bible study, because logic is involved, as well as reliable methods, validation processes and so on. I am not a fan of Ockham's Razor, it seems like someone made it up and the Bible came before whoever Ockham was.

I know you guys on here have a different Bible study method and it's not one I am particularly fond of using myself but that's fine for you I guess. I prefer to let Scripture interpret Scripture and use the power of intertextuality and related methods. Don't knock it; it's powerful.

#438321 Elisha and the Axe Head

Posted by Richard on 15 March 2012 - 07:44 AM in Theology

You don't believe there are parables taught in the miracles of Scripture?

I do, and I'm sure Ev does.

You also don't believe the bread and wine are seen in the dreams of the butler and baker.

I know why they're seen there; active imagination.

Wrong. It's called Bible study.

#438269 Elisha and the Axe Head

Posted by Richard on 14 March 2012 - 11:49 AM in Theology

I heard a talk on this recently and I think it went along the lines of the tree representing Israel and the axe head the Gentiles. So the fall of Israel brings Gentiles into the hope. It made sense when I heard it. Sorry for not having all the details.

#438326 Elisha and the Axe Head

Posted by Richard on 15 March 2012 - 09:10 AM in Theology

And if you can't figure it out, it's in your last sentence. Things like that is the reason why people stay away from this place.

#441881 Ezek 44.11 - Why are burnt sacrifices reintroduced in the Kingdom?

Posted by Richard on 30 July 2012 - 08:03 AM in Theology

I can certainly see how the death of something may bring home a reality- but none of us needed such a physical display before we put this into action with our own lives, this message was demonstrated easily enough through the written word and the life of Christ, why is it you think in the future this will be a valuable tool? (even if occasionally)

Because mortality is all around us today. With the conditions during the Millennial reign of Christ people might need a stark reminder of the problem of death.

I don't see anything wrong with giving people graphic object lessons. If we don't need them then why did God bother with the Law of Moses in the first place?

#441856 Ezek 44.11 - Why are burnt sacrifices reintroduced in the Kingdom?

Posted by Richard on 29 July 2012 - 12:48 PM in Theology

In that case, why aren't we making sacrifices now?

We don't need to, any more than they will be needed in the Kingdom. But if we choose to enact sacrifices for learning purposes (as we sometimes enact the Passover), that's fine too. I believe that's how they'll be used in the Kingdom.

That's it. I don't know why this is hard to accept.

#441836 Ezek 44.11 - Why are burnt sacrifices reintroduced in the Kingdom?

Posted by Richard on 28 July 2012 - 08:26 AM in Theology

How are burnt sacrifices in Ezekiel's temple going to educate anyone when we have done without them for all this time?

Possibly because of the enriched lives people will have in the Millenium, it will all be a graphic reminder of sin and mortality.

#441336 Free Anthony Buzzard books via Kindle - 4 days only

Posted by Richard on 12 July 2012 - 09:07 AM in Theology

Will do :)

#441332 Free Anthony Buzzard books via Kindle - 4 days only

Posted by Richard on 12 July 2012 - 08:32 AM in Theology

Jem is my brother. They are coming to visit us in Canada next week. Laura is my wife's cousin.

#441329 Free Anthony Buzzard books via Kindle - 4 days only

Posted by Richard on 12 July 2012 - 07:47 AM in Theology

Awesome! I grew up in the same ecclesia as Andrew.

#441311 Free Anthony Buzzard books via Kindle - 4 days only

Posted by Richard on 11 July 2012 - 01:56 PM in Theology

Hey Colliersan, you're from the Czech Republic? Have you met the Lidyards?

#439342 Handy wall chart of logical fallacies

Posted by Richard on 25 April 2012 - 08:23 AM in Philosophy

Why can't we?

#439274 Handy wall chart of logical fallacies

Posted by Richard on 24 April 2012 - 07:59 AM in Philosophy

Ooh looks nice, thanks.

#442458 How correct does our interpretation need to be for salvation?

Posted by Richard on 17 August 2012 - 07:51 AM in Theology

I have struggled with these sorts of questions before and it's when I looked at Christ's parables that a helpful answer came to mind. He deliberately was obtuse in telling parables, and Matthew 13, for instance, says that he spoke in parables to hide the truth. Combine this with the fact that true faith is not just about believing in God but diligently seeking him (Hebrews 11) then I believe God is looking for people who actually make an effort to understand and get in tune with God. It doesn't mean the Bible is written in some secret code we have to unlock; it means that we need to approach the Bible with an open mind, using critical thinking skills, and a teachable attitude. That's why the disciples could understand Jesus' parables but others couldn't. There are probably people who are seeking God in that way in non-Christadelphian circles, and there are probably people who aren't seeking God that way within Christadelphian circles too.

#442459 How correct does our interpretation need to be for salvation?

Posted by Richard on 17 August 2012 - 08:43 AM in Theology

Another thing is that God never said his purpose is just to save people. If that was his purpose then we would question why some people never get to hear the gospel message.

#441738 Interpreting parables

Posted by Richard on 25 July 2012 - 03:45 PM in Theology

Because he's giving us clues as to how to interpret his parables.