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Sakura ShinRa

Member Since 16 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2012 03:12 AM

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In Topic: A slightly strange question

16 August 2012 - 03:14 AM

Welcome. :)

Now I've read the bible myself, albeit some time ago, and recall no mention of satan having any disciples.

Correct. That's found nowhere in the Bible. The Biblical description of the devil is in fact significantly different to the views adopted by later Christianity.

An interesting and still useful read on the development of diabolism within the Christian tradition (as well as the distinctive Jewish and Christian minority tradition denying the existence of such a supernatural being), is 'History of the Devil, by Paul Carus. Very readable, and generally reliably accurate (I added a qualification because his lexicography and some finer historical details should be checked with a modern scholarly source).

Thank you so much for that information. I was sure there was nothing about the devil having disciples in the bible but it's always good to have outside confirmation. I will try to get a hold of the book you mentioned.