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Member Since 18 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 13 2012 09:01 AM

Topics I've Started

Malachi 2:10

28 December 2011 - 09:26 AM

Greetings, fellow Christians. I am currently working on what I feel will be a magnum opus, called Is the Trinity in the Tanakh? I have been seeking out all the verses that use the Hebrew word 'echad, each being briefly commented. It is not enough to present so-called "proof texts", but to explain them. The one I have in mind is Malachi 2:10. From the NJPS:

Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we break faith with one another, profaning the covenant of our ancestors? (Mal. 2:10)

As you can see, my main focus is on the Hebrew word 'echad. In the Hebrew, it says 'av 'echad, "one father", and 'el 'echad, "one god". Without causing equivocation, one must accept that 'el 'echad does not have any compound unity in mind, otherwise it must be so for 'av 'echad. Trinitarians are unwilling to say that there is more than one father because that would stand against the doctrine of the Trinity.

However, I feel that trinitarians will attempt to explain away the issue. I feel they will say that this is clearly referring to God the Father, and that because 'el is being used instead of 'elohiym, there is no problem at all. (I'm thinking like a trinitarian, which is why I thought of this explanation.) I decided to present this to see some explanations for why the trinitarian view is faulty here.

My opinion on this is that it's just an assumption on the trinitarian's part, but they may be fine with that because as long as something is seemingly ambiguous, some won't take an issue with it. I thought that this trinitarian argument wouldn't work because Malachi didn't have the first person of the Trinity in mind, nor did his audience, so it wasn't as if he was saying, "Well, didn't the Father, as opposed to the Son and Spirit, create us?"

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.