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There have been 10 items by RobertB (Search limited from 20-May 23)

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#444005 The Trinity...

Posted by RobertB on 19 November 2012 - 07:29 PM in Theology

Aren't you Rob Bowman that had this long and lenghty debate with D. Burke?

Wasn't it established then that there wasn't any Biblical basis for the speculation of a Trinity?

And, since it is speculative, how would I even begin to give you a premise of what I think it is when I do not believe that it exists? Furthermore, that concludes that there could be no argument for it, but definite and un-deniable Biblical evidence against it.

You do believe the words that Jesus spoke were those given to him by his Father, correct?

#444016 The Trinity...

Posted by RobertB on 19 November 2012 - 08:42 PM in Theology

Aren't you Rob Bowman that had this long and lenghty debate with D. Burke?

Wasn't it established then that there wasn't any Biblical basis for the speculation of a Trinity?

Hi Robert,

The namesake and the belief in the Trinity are perhaps the only two things that we share in common...

But I do not believe in the trinity, so there is no common ground shared.

"And, since it is speculative, how would I even begin to give you a premise of what I think it is when I do not believe that it exists?" I believe that if you understood what I said that you would understand my statement, if I gave any statement as to the permise I would then have to agree in a speculative, conjectorial manner that it exist, to which I do not agree.

#444021 The Trinity...

Posted by RobertB on 19 November 2012 - 08:51 PM in Theology

Thanks Fortigurn, I caught that after I posted......

I also edit my last......

I believe that the Scriptures are clear as to the True Identity of Jesus the Christ, the Son of God.

#444025 The Trinity...

Posted by RobertB on 19 November 2012 - 08:57 PM in Theology

Actually, the Trinity shield provides a word-picture for the deity of the Biblical God...it clearly shows what is...and what is not...

I think you need to spend some time learning about the scutum fidei, and what it actually expresses. In the meantime, you can present to us all the passages in the Bible which describe God in the way that the scutum fidei does.

It would be much easier for you to present a Biblical verse which you think somehow thwarts the Biblical Trinity.

This way we can see if you really understand what you are against...

So...you are against something that does not exist...right?

No, he says he doesn't believe in the trinity. That's it.

Actually, he already confessed that he does not believe that it even exists.

True, so maybe I shopuld clarify for you so you do not mis-understand what I say:

No I do not believe in the trinity, in respect to what others claim that it represents, as to what Fortigurn stated earlier. Therefore in relation to what the Scriptures teach I do not believe that a trinity exists.

And, i would have to agree w/Fortigurn as well "12 diety combos" - ?

#444028 The Trinity...

Posted by RobertB on 19 November 2012 - 09:00 PM in Theology

It would be much easier for you to present a Biblical verse which you think somehow thwarts the Biblical Trinity.

This way we can see if you really understand what you are against...

Does this mean you're not ready to explain what you understand the trinity to be? All the passages in which God refers to Himself as one person, or in which God is referred to as one person, are evidence against the trinitarian belief that God is three persons. Note that this cannot be avoided by claiming that 'God' really means 'only one of the persons of the Godhead'. I take it you are unable to present any passages of Scripture supporting the scutum fidei.

If you were confident in your position, then you should be able to show us one silver bullet Trinity-killer verse which supposedly thwarts the Trinity.

How confident are you...?


#444037 The Trinity...

Posted by RobertB on 19 November 2012 - 09:08 PM in Theology

How would you state a definition of something that you do not believe in?

#444041 The Trinity...

Posted by RobertB on 19 November 2012 - 09:13 PM in Theology

Yes fort, I would have to agree.

Is this what he wants, if that be the case then we can gladly - oops - we already gave him that....

#444046 The Trinity...

Posted by RobertB on 19 November 2012 - 09:18 PM in Theology

hmmm, again

#442739 Roberts vs Bradlaugh

Posted by RobertB on 31 August 2012 - 09:20 PM in Theology

I believe that we would fair well in todays culture and society. Many that are contrary to the Christadelphian theology and understanding of the Scriptures, and overall systymic belief fail to recognize their own flaws.

It has been my experience in some discussions, that many seem to get stuck on one verse or passage and can't use any other. This puts them in a box to which they cannot get out. They fail to see the Scriprures as a whole, even myself, sometimes cannot remember some 'sources' does that make me weak in my Faith - NO, I do not think so.

Having been on both sides of the fence, so to speak, I find that the Christadelphian understanding makes more sense and demonstrates the True Identity of Christ and having done my own indepth study of the Scriptures, I can remember many quotes but cannot remember exactly from which book I read them from......


#446039 The Devil and his Angels

Posted by RobertB on 09 July 2013 - 07:47 PM in Theology

Matthew 25:41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

How does everyone understand this passage? And how would you explain it to someone who believes that the devil is supernatural on the basis that 'he' has his own angels?

When you consider that Jesus said concerning the Resurrection, that we would be like the angels, it could be taken in light of this since the passage, to some, talks of the Resurrection.....

so the referent to the angels here could also pertain/apply to the resurrected who have not claimed Christ.....