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#447480 Battle of Good vs Evil

Posted by borgrel on 08 February 2014 - 11:26 PM in Theology

What the bible tells us is:


1) Angels cannot disobey God's will

2) There was a rebelion

3) The rebels were cast out of heaven

4) The angels that did not participate were banished to earth to walk powerless amongst humans until Armageddon


How does this tale contradict the scriptural evidence?

In the same manner that the story of Judas' betrayal (which has recently been proved false) was inferred because it is the simplest explanation so is the story of the rebellion but as everyone knows life is never as simple as it seems.


The current story leaves many questions unanswered:

1) If angels cannot disobey God's will, how could Lucifer lead a rebellion?

2) If God is all knowing, why would he chose an angel that will in the future lead a rebellion as his right hand, unless he wanted the rebellion to occur?

3) Why were the angels that rebelled not punished, since the way it is phrased in scripture makes it seem like they lost the battle?

4) Why were the angels that did not participate on either side of the rebellion, the ones that did get punished instead?

#447471 Battle of Good vs Evil

Posted by borgrel on 06 February 2014 - 01:11 AM in Theology

I have a theory, what do you think??





Before Time, before Light, before existance; there was a being of great power all alone in the
blackness. He flexed his might and created a species of great magesty, winged and pure of
heart, radient with the light of holy favour. He and his angelic host lived for countless eons
and the creator grew to dispare; for his first creation, his majestic children were flawed:
they had no will, no initiative, no freedom; they would do nothing without orders and could not
contravene any orders he gave them. With his first act of grace he had created slavery.

He spent countless more eons worrying on the issue and finally he arrived at a solution. He
called the most majestic, most powerful of the host; his right hand; the angel that passes
along all his instructions to all the others and he said: "Lucifer, I will use you sore and for
that I am deeply sorry. You shall speak of revolution, you shall call to you all who so desire.
We shall give a species incapable of choosing, a choice - by giving them contradicting orders."


"You shall lead them in battle as they fight for the right to ignore my commandmants, you shall
lead them from this place and build a home of your own, a place more to their liking. And from
this great Choice I shall fashion a species and they will have free will because of your
sacrifice. You and your heavenly brothers will fight within their souls for control and so
shall they be free. I shall tell them not to do a thing and you shall coax them to do it, and
so shall they also be given the Choice. They shall hate you and curse you but they shall hate
us both far less than if we do this not, for then they would be slaves."

And after all was done he vanished, for the remainder of the angelic host can only have the
pale shadow of free will that his great mind found for them if he is absent.



One should note that there was no true punishment for the demonic host that defied him. They
were given a home, a task they would relish, a way to gather power. There was no annialation,
no retaliation, no imprisonment; they were givin freedom and power and choice for their act of
'betrayal'. The only ones truely punished were  those who refused the Choice - they were
imprisoned, powerless, in a place were they are forced to do nothing but view the wonder they
forsook by not choosing.

This is exactly the same thing that was done with Judas (according to the lost scrolls), an event

was required to galvinised certain actions and this was achieved by demanding actions of the

best of the group to act as a fulcrum and sacrifice his own honour in the eyes of everyone else.