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#444782 Teaching the Bible to Children - Where to Start?

Posted by poorchristian on 12 January 2013 - 11:15 AM in Cherith

Teaching the Holy Bible to children should begin as early as possible. I do not believe it should be left to organized religious classes alone...that doesn't work. Teachings about God should be a life experience a part of a familys culture. One of the most telling truths concerning this can be seen in Islamic and Jewish cultures. Children are raised and taught in the home by mom and dad about God. The rules and limits they are given as rearing is based primarily on the families spiritual culture. The do as the parents do...when the parents do it and their education about God is explained as they learn to obey...their obedience builds the foundation for how they will live and believe. This must come first...then formal education will have a real meaning to them and spiritual concepts will add substance to their lives as they learn them and incorporate them into their daily lives. Formal education is good...but a life experience of disciplined living faith is best.