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There have been 4 items by Mercia2 (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#447940 Satan as a codeword for Roman authorities/political class

Posted by Mercia2 on 13 February 2023 - 07:43 PM in Theology

The first Century Church were being spied on, seen as a potentially subversive movement, their letters being read so they needed to use "babylon" as a codeword for Rome. What then should they use as a codeword for the Roman authorities? Can I suggest Satan or the devil, some examples...

1. The devil will throw some of you in jail
Aka the Roman authorities will throw Some of you in jail

2. I know where you live even where Satan has his seat
Pergamos was the seat of political Power in Asia minor

3. Hand him over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh that his soul may be saved
Aka hand him over to the Roman authorities will torture him

4. Satan made David call a census even though God forbid it
The political class made David call a census

5. Even Satan himself can masquerade as a messenger Of light
Aka Paul was a Roman spy masquerading as a messenger Of truth and in my vision at a papal mass In Coventry in 1982 the pope was Satan who is masquerading as a messenger Of truth. This was a non literal visual metaphor as Foryigurn taught me as John had a vision of a 7 headed sea monster and of course 7 headed sea monster do not literally exist.

I have many more examples but I am suggesting Satan is simply a useful codeword the apostles used when talking in their letters about the Roman authorities, so the Roman spies reading their letters wpuld think oh it's ok they are just going on about the god of ekron again, not us.

#447938 Satan as a codeword for Roman authorities/political class

Posted by Mercia2 on 13 February 2023 - 07:41 PM in Theology

The first Century Church were being spied on, seen as a potentially subversive movement, their letters being read so they needed to use "babylon" as a codeword for Rome. What then should they use as a codeword for the Roman authorities? Can I suggest Satan or the devil, some examples...

1. The devil will throw some of you in jail
Aka the Roman authorities will throw Some of you in jail

2. I know where you live even where Satan has his seat
Pergamos was the seat of political Power in Asia minor

3. Hand him over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh that his soul may be saved
Aka hand him over to the Roman authorities will torture him

4. Satan made David call a census even though God forbid it
The political class made David call a census

5. Even Satan himself can masquerade as a messenger Of light
Aka Paul was a Roman spy masquerading as a messenger Of truth and in my vision at a papal mass In Coventry in 1982 the pope was Satan who is masquerading as a messenger Of truth. This was a non literal visual metaphor as Foryigurn taught me as John had a vision of a 7 headed sea monster and of course 7 headed sea monster do not literally exist.

I have many more examples but I am suggesting Satan is simply a useful codeword the apostles used when talking in their letters about the Roman authorities, so the Roman spies reading their letters wpuld think oh it's ok they are just going on about the god of ekron again, not us.

#447939 Satan as a codeword for Roman authorities/political class

Posted by Mercia2 on 13 February 2023 - 07:42 PM in Theology

The first Century Church were being spied on, seen as a potentially subversive movement, their letters being read so they needed to use "babylon" as a codeword for Rome. What then should they use as a codeword for the Roman authorities? Can I suggest Satan or the devil, some examples...

1. The devil will throw some of you in jail
Aka the Roman authorities will throw Some of you in jail

2. I know where you live even where Satan has his seat
Pergamos was the seat of political Power in Asia minor

3. Hand him over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh that his soul may be saved
Aka hand him over to the Roman authorities will torture him

4. Satan made David call a census even though God forbid it
The political class made David call a census

5. Even Satan himself can masquerade as a messenger Of light
Aka Paul was a Roman spy masquerading as a messenger Of truth and in my vision at a papal mass In Coventry in 1982 the pope was Satan who is masquerading as a messenger Of truth. This was a non literal visual metaphor as Foryigurn taught me as John had a vision of a 7 headed sea monster and of course 7 headed sea monster do not literally exist.

I have many more examples but I am suggesting Satan is simply a useful codeword the apostles used when talking in their letters about the Roman authorities, so the Roman spies reading their letters wpuld think oh it's ok they are just going on about the god of ekron again, not us.

#447937 I had a dream the BTDF forum was back

Posted by Mercia2 on 13 February 2023 - 07:20 PM in Theology

Is it true? Hello everyone I missed you all so much.