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There have been 3 items by Acomtha (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#447083 'It’s Time for a Schism Regarding Women in the Church'

Posted by Acomtha on 18 December 2013 - 04:31 PM in Theology

Thanks Violin for the reply. It is very good. And answers to some of my thoughts on this.  I think that  Jesus did think of both men and women as equals, although maybe with some different roles in life. Over the centuries though, the church has given its members the idea that men really are superior and so has brought on a lot of the problems that our society has between men and women, especially husband and wives. Still I do not think that Christian churches should split up over this issue, but help one another to reach a better more accuarate understanding of what the bible does teach concerning this.  Just my thoughts....



#447079 'It’s Time for a Schism Regarding Women in the Church'

Posted by Acomtha on 17 December 2013 - 02:14 PM in Theology

Thanks to those who replied to my question.


When I get some time I will look into this more.


Did Jesus say anywhere anything that would give the impression that what Paul taught concerning this he also would have taught, or would have been in agreement with Paul?

#447067 'It’s Time for a Schism Regarding Women in the Church'

Posted by Acomtha on 13 December 2013 - 08:35 PM in Theology

Hi, its been a long time since I've come to the forums, but I do have a question....


In the ecclesia are your women allowed to speak at all? or take part in bible studies that may be held in the ecclesia? or do they remain completely silent during the entire service? And if so, as they are to learn from their husbands, why do they need to go at all unless it is that they are not yet married? I really should know this, but I do not, being that I have never been to an ecclesia.


When Paul said that women should be silent in the ecclesia, could he have been speaking of a specific situation at that time for these ecclesia at that time? And not for all women for all time? Excuse me for being ignorant on this....

